Since we started dating, travel has been a common bond between my husband and I. No sooner do we get back from a trip do we start planning the next adventure. No matter if it is just a local jaunt to the beach or a trans atlantic trip, the planning is half the fun. Once we had kids, we just factored in where we could go that was kid friendly. By the time our son was 18 months old, he was blessed with traveling the entire eastern seaboard plus touching the pacific ocean in both Costa Rica and Washington state.
We did learn that we do need to try to plan some travel without the kids so we can recharge and reconnect. Parenting is wonderful but an all consuming, 24/7 job. Your conversation can get filled with day to day activities and overall life pressures that your marriage doesn’t get the attention it needs and deserves. Thankfully we have very helpful and understanding parents that know that couples need some alone time and agree to watch our kids for long periods of time. We also have wonderful neighbors that loaned us their house in Florida so it was easier to get a break from reality. We were away from Wednesday to Sunday and it was wonderful. Half the time we were just relaxing at the house. Watching tv, swimming, tooling around on the internet, preparing meals, etc. It was nice to be on our own schedule. We went out to dinner a few times and had some delicious meals. Mainly, it is time to keep your marriage on track and remember what life was like before kids. You need to put your marriage first if you want it to last and if you want to provide a happy home for your children to be raised in. After all, if mom and dad aren’t getting along then the whole house is turned upside down. Marriage is an investment. One that that takes time and attention. It needs to be nurtured and loved. Sometimes that is hard to do when you have little ones tugging for your attention constantly. (As I write this, my daughter is calling me from her room as I am on the sofa with my husband.)
So i urge you, even if you just trade babysitting with other friends that have kids, make time for your partner. Ship the kids off to your friends house for the weekend and then take their kids the following weekend. Do something so you can give each other a large chunk of time to concentrate on just each other. Go out and do something fun for an evening. Have a picnic in your living room once the kids are in bed. SOMETHING. Just make sure you get your quality time together.