Have past Halloweens flown by so fast that you barely get to take any pictures of the day or the pictures don’t really capture the magic of such a fun filled holiday? No worries, I have some tips to help capture the magic of Halloween this year.
1.) Get ahead of the day.
Remove some stress from the day and take some pictures of the kids in costumes days BEFORE Halloween. When I see beautiful weather the week before Halloween, I have my kids and our neighbors get into their costumes and grab some quick shots. As parents, we are constantly juggling everything. By taking just a few things off your plate the day of a big event, can give you a little breathing room to actually enjoy the day and be present for those memories. If you can’t get out before Halloween day, try to get outside and snap some shots before the sun sets. The lighting 2 hours before sunset is the prettiest and easiest to work with and would be a great time for these pics even if you can take them days in advance.
If they are young, you can really have fun photographing your kids in advance. I loved taking pictures of my daughter when she was 6 months old and tried on the number of hand me down costumes that we acquired.
2.) Embrace the darkness.
So many parents don’t even take pictures while they are trick or treating because, many times, it is very dark outside and it seems pointless. However, you are missing so many adorable memories by not embracing the darkness. While it is easier to embrace the darkness with an actual camera, it can still be done with a cell phone. Make sure that that there are other sources of light that you can use and the people are close to that light source, like “porch” lights in the images below.
TIP #1: You can bring a bright flashlight and direct the light where you need it. However, you will need to turn OFF the flash of your camera or cell phone. Unless the flash has something to bounce off of, like a ceiling, the flash will just ruin these pictures and you are better off using a flashlight and shinning it on the kids instead.
TIP #2: Hold your breath in order to keep a a steady hand, which helps makes sure the image doesn’t get blurry.
3.) Document the details.
Traditions, like carving the pumpkin and decorating the house, are low key favorites of mine. Admittedly, I am a massive scaredy cat and hate the scary part of Halloween. However, I do love the color, the costumes, and the crafty side of Halloween. Photographing the pumpkin carving process or even the house once it is decorated adds another dimension to your Halloween pictures.

Including pictures of the neighbors and their decorations is another fun thing to include. I love seeing our neighbors sit out with their fire pits and see their decorations up close.

4.) Change up the angles.
Change up the angle of your shot creates interest. For example, getting the overhead shot with their post trick or treating haul is a must. Make sure to get down on their level as well…sitting on the floor would be necessary in this situation.

5.) Don’t Forget About The Relationships
One of the best parts of trick or treating in my childhood neighborhood is seeing the excitement in my neighbor’s faces when the kids come to the door. I also love seeing the kids celebrate with their grandparents, parents, and friends. These are priceless memories that will create such nostalgia when they grow up.

6.) Document the traditions.
Do you have a Halloween tradition you repeat every year? If so, make sure to get a group shot every year so you can see how the kids change and grow.
Here are my kids with my childhood best friend’s twins. We grew up on the same street and went trick or treating together as kids. Now we have our kids trick or treat together in OUR childhood neighborhood, starting at my childhood home. I love reminiscing over what they wore and seeing just how big they got from one Halloween to the next.
There you have it folks. My tips on photographing your Halloween memories. Looking back, I still treasure the Halloween pictures taken when I was a kid. Here is a picture of my brother, mom, grandma, me, and my cabbage patch kid all dressed up as clowns that I still love.

Happy Halloween!!! xoxo, Claire